Are you an Alicia, Carrie, Keala or Taylor?

Hey Reader!

If you're feeling stuck, this email is especially for you.

Whether you're looking to make a change, start a big project or take something across the finish line, chances are you'll hit a point of feeling stuck.

And in the words of Sweet Brown: "ain't nobody got time for that!"

So let's get you unstuck. I've created a new quiz that will uncover your Unstuck Anthem from a powerhouse singer.

Take 2 minutes to answer honestly and then hit play on your new anthem so you can move forward!

What's Your Unstuck Anthem?


Find out in 2 minutes if you're a Alicia, Carrie, Keala or Taylor.

You've Got This!


Amanda McKinney
High Performance Coach For Women Entrepreneurs


113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Tired of feeling stuck?

That goal you have on your heart...I want to help you get one step closer today! I know life can throw us curve balls but it's possible to make continual progress no matter what. Subscribe to get weekly tips on how to ensure progress on your goal. You've got this!

Read more from Tired of feeling stuck?
Podcast Episode image - Ep 264: The Last Episode

Hey Reader! There are actually 2 big announcements in this week's podcast: This is the final episode of The Unapologetic Entrepreneur Podcast 🥹 I'm launching a new podcast in December 🎉 Wow, right?! After 264 episodes and 5 years of podcasting I'm filled with many emotions as I make these two announcements. I've grappled with the decision to either change the name and keep going or to close one podcast and open another. I've grieved losing the name "The Unapologetic Entrepreneur" because I...

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Hey Reader! This week on the podcast I'm talking about how to go from overthinking something to actually taking action. But it's not just my thoughts on this, you'll hear audio from 3 different coaching sessions so you know you aren't alone. A huge thank you to my clients that allowed me to use clips of their coaching sessions for this podcast episode. ♥️ (the first one gets me choked up every time so get the tissues ready) Why It Matters For You: The #1 reason we don't achieve goals is lack...

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Hey Reader! I'm a big fan of setting 90 day goals and realistic plans to achieve them but there is a time for dreaming BIG and it's this time of year. Cue the 2025 calendar purchase, fall scented candles and lots of journaling and reflecting. I love it all! But if you want the dream to become a reality, you'll need the mindset and the belief that it's actually possible for you 😘 Why It Matters For You: If you've dreamed BIG before and it didn't come to life it doesn't mean you can't make it...